What game strategies exist?
Sports gambling tactics are used by people for whom sports betting is just a form of entertainment, who need to “release” their excitement or test their predictive abilities. Such players take into account only sports and game factors, statistical indicators, the composition of the withdrawn teams, the physical form and motivation of the players. Here pragmatism is excluded, and the possibility of sports-mathematical calculations is not allowed, i.e. the game remains a game. The strategies are designed for low bet amounts and the simplest conditions (for example, total is over or total is less, a draw, etc.).
What is important to know about financial strategies?
If we talk about the financial system for developing a strategic approach, then it is based on the basic principles of capital management and the ability to apply the theory of money management in practice. This system works best in soccer betting. In this case, the cappers approach the bets carefully, prepare for each match and analyze the statistics, the outcomes of the last meetings, the physical condition of the participants, and the team’s motivation.
At the same time, several tactics are used, they aim to play only a plus on an effective betting strategy, closely following the bookmaker’s line of behavior in order to get significant profit. Often their efforts are crowned with success, and the use of a complex strategy allows you to “hit the jackpot”, covering a series of losses and making a profit on sports. Sports bettors with a financial and analytical approach do not drain the entire balance, counting on luck, they know how to stop in time. A financial strategy is not a guarantee of winning, but it will minimize the risk of losing.
How to use mathematical strategies?
Recently, many mathematical experts have been actively working on the study of pragmatic strategies and accurate calculations for predictions, and many of them are sure that there is some general algorithm or at least some patterns. For example, J. Miller, an American capper and financial manager, believes that it makes sense to use a mathematical approach. According to him, he has been winning for many years thanks to calculations and makes profitable bets:
against the favorite (while all beginners think the other way around, and the pros bet on 3-4 favorites).
Professor of applied mathematics D. Sumpter gives his own experience and a number of recommendations on this matter to bettors in the recently published book “Footballomatics: Mathematical Adventures in a Beautiful Game”. By the way, he advises working with several bookmakers at once, because each of them has a different margin, changing depending on the sports match. As for the use of mathematical calculations in tactics, quite often they all failed, while the “Ask your wife” model, which defies logic or the laws of mathematics, turned out to be the most effective in practice.